The main objective of the skill development program is to provide adequate training in industry relevant skills and industry readiness. Skill development is the time one invests in to improve their proficiency and to stay future-ready, any agilities that one follows as a passion, and the ability to complete a task with higher rates of success at the right time.
Tirumala Engineering College is associated with Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation (APSSDC)to train students on latest technologies. The training improve their critical thinking, problem solving skills to get placed in various skilled jobs and entrepreneurialism. As part of skill development center, the lab is established with 37 high configured computers.


S.No.Name of the ProgramProgram Link
1HCL TechBee ProgrammingView Document


S.No. Name of the Program Branch Year FromTo
1Python ProgrammingCSE&IT3rd Year16-10-202112-10-2021
2Python ProgrammingCIVIL & EEE2rd Year18-10-202124-10-2021
3Auto CADDCIVIL2rd Year25-10-202130-10-2021
4Product Design & Drafting by Solid EdgeMECH3rd Year & 4th Year01-11-202108-11-2021
5PCB DESIGNECE2nd Year08-11-202113-11-2021


S.No. Name of the Program Branch Year FromTo
1AutoCADCIVIL3rd Year17-5-202102-6-2021
2REVIT ARCITECTURECIVIL3rd Year17-5-202102-6-2021
3E-TABSCIVIL4th Year7-6-202119-6-2021
4CATIAMECH3rd & 4th Year17-5-202102-6-2021
5PLCEEE3rd & 4th Year10-6-202124-6-2021
6DRONE TECHNLOGYEEE3rd & 4th Year17-5-202122-5-2021
7PCB DESIGNECE2nd Year21-5-202110-6-2021
8INTERNET OF THINGSCSE2nd Year21-5-202110-6-2021


S.No. Name of the Program Branch Year FromTo
1REVIT ARCITECTURECIVIL3rd Year10-2-202015-2-2020
2AutoCADCIVIL2nd Year3-2-20208-2-2020
3ETABSCIVIL4th Year10-10-201916-10-2019
4CATIA Phase -1MECH3rd Year6-1-202011-1-2020
5PLC PHASE-1EEE3rd Year30-1-202001-2-2020
6PLC PHASE-2EEE4th Year02-01-201904-01-2019


S.No. Name of the Program Branch Year FromTo
1REVIT ARCITECTURECIVIL3rd & 4th Year16-8-201822-8-2018
2AutoCADCIVIL3rd & 4th Year26-11-201801-12-2019
3Revit Structure CIVIL3rd & 4th Year20-8-201828-8-2018
4PLC phase-2 EEE4th Year2-1-20194-1-2019
5Auto CADMECH3rd Year3-1-20199-1-2019
6Embedded SystemsECE3rd Year23-1-201825-1-2018
7IOT fundamentals ECE3rd Year7-3-20199-3-2019
8IOT advanced ECE3rd Year11-3-201913-3-2019
9Arduino With ScratchECE2nd Year14-2-201916-2-2019